Saturday, September 13, 2008

Joseph Smith and Kabbalah

Joseph Smith and Kabbalah

Both Mormonism and Kabbalah are demonic!

by David J. Stewart

While doing research on the cult of Mormonism, I came across several articles on the internet authored by Lance S. Owens. At first it appeared that Mr. Owens was against the Mormon cult, with such article titles as Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection. Then I read the following quote on his website...

This work was originally published in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol. 27, No. 3, Fall 1994, pp. 117-194. The paper received considerable notice, and in 1995 the Mormon History Association recognized Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection with its annual award for the best article in Mormon studies. There is an ongoing demand for this paper but unfortunately Dialogue sold out its entire printing of the Fall, 1994 issue within a few weeks. Most academic libraries will have Dialogue in their collection of journals for those seeking a print copy.

Lance S. Owens is NOT a Christian and his writings openly reveal that Mormonism is connected with the occult. Oddly enough, the Mormons readily admit their occult roots. Joseph Smith was a heretic! Unbeknownst to many people, Joseph Smith (the founder of Mormonism in 1830) was a 33rd degree Freemason, as was Charles Taze Russell (the founder of the Jehovah Witnesses in 1874). Those who understand the Satanic roots of cults such as Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism know that Kabbalah is greatly revered in such groups.

Demonic Kabbalah

Kabbalah is based largely upon the Zohar, and is esoteric (which simply means that you can't understand it by reading it, someone has to explain it to you). I sincerely don't think the Zohar was intended to be understood. I think it's interpretation is solely at the whim of any occultist who wants to manipulate dumb people. In contrast, the Word of God has a definite meaning which cannot be twisted if you take the Bible at face value. Sadly, Kabbalism has many devout followers such as Madonna (who recently built a $5,000,000 Kabbalah reading room in London) and Britney Spears (who plans to write a Kabbalah book for children). The Zohar is straight from Hell, as are the false religions of Kabbalism and Mormonism that are largely derived from it.

"What is Kabbalah and who believes in it?

Kabbalah is a branch of Jewish mysticism, which is thought to have originated in the 13th century. Its teachings come from an ancient 23-volume book called the Zohar, which offers interpretations of the inner meaning of the Torah. Traditionally, its practices were reserved for a select number of Jewish scholars who already had an advanced understanding of Jewish law, but for the past 500 years it has been followed more widely.

In 1969, a former insurance salesman, Rabbi Philip Berg, established the Kabbalah Centre International and appointed himself its leader. The centre markets Kabbalah as a "universal system for self-improvement" and attracts more than 3.5 million followers. Berg claims that Kabbalah answers the ultimate questions of human existence: who we are, where we come from and why we're here. Its followers claim that it can purify the soul and banish disease, depression and discontent using the spiritual light of the Zohar.

The Kabbalah Centre sells copies of its sacred texts and other "spiritual tools", such as Kabbalah Water. Among the best-selling items is the red string bracelet, said to protect the wearer from the evil eye. The Beckhams, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Demi Moore and Madonna have all been seen sporting one." -SOURCE: The Great Kabbalah Con Exposed.

Kabbalah means "tradition" or "transmitted teaching." It is a mix of Jewish mysticism, the occult, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, and uses numerology to "interpret" the Bible. Even though it claims to have been handed down orally from Abraham, the system appears to have been given its earliest formulation in the 11th century in France. It is sad in these last days to see people turning to every kind of lie imaginable, when they are seriously searching for the truth and answers to what this life is all about. Ever since the Tower of Babel, men have created false gods and religions out of their imagination, rejecting the One and only True God and His Truth. Kabbalah is one of the hottest cults today because of celebrities like Madonna, Britney Spears, Demi Moore, and Paris Hilton who have popularized it. Revenues are obtained primarily through the sale of books, tapes, the famous "red string" bracelet that is supposed to protect the wearer from the "evil eye," and Kabbalah water.

Like ALL cults, Kabbalists make it sound like something everyone should be involved in it. They also falsely claim that you can be a Christian and be involved in Kabbalah. Biblically, Kabbalah is a lie from the pits of hell, it has NOTHING to do whatsoever with the Christian faith! ALL cults base their final authority upon something other than God's Word. The Mormon cult uses the Book of Mormon. The Jehovah Witnesses cult uses the writings of the Watchtower Society. The Christian Science cult uses the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. The Seventh-Day Adventists cult uses the writings of Ellen G. White. The Scientology cult uses the writings of L. Ron Hubbard. And the Kabbalah cult uses the Zohar.

Mormonism is of the Devil

Let's recognize Mormonism for what it is...A CULT! The lie of Mormonism is not a new problem. Paul himself had
to deal with the issue of "cults," those who perverted the Gospel. Paul spoke of this often in his writings, "...but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ" -Galatians 1:7. Cults are nothing new. The bottom line in Mormonism is a denial of the deity of Jesus Christ. In Revelation 1:8, Jesus Christ proclaims that He is Almighty God! Nearly every cult denies the deity of Christ or somehow diminishes it. Many Mormons will lie to you and say that they believe in the Jesus of the Bible, but they are not telling you the truth. In Mormon theology, their jesus is NOT a deity! THE JESUS OF THE BIBLE IS ALMIGHTY GOD!

Although Mormons use the Bible, it is NOT their final authority as it is for the Christian. Their authority
lies in the writings of the lunatic Joseph Smith and their cult's Doctrine and Covenants statement. Only faith in Jesus Christ, the Jesus of the Bible will get you into Heaven. The Mormon cult spends tens of millions each year in public relations to portray themselves as "just another Christian church." DO NOT LET THEIR ADS FOOL YOU. They are no more a Christian church than your local mosque is!

WARNING: Do NOT be taken in by the warm and fuzzy exterior of this cult, Mormons are NOT Christians. And when they say the name Jesus, it is NOT the Jesus of the Bible! Jesus said, "Ye must be born again!" -John 3:3.

The Word of God is Upfront and Honest

Thankfully, the Word of God (the Bible) is open to all. There is no private interpretations of the Bible, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation" -2nd Peter 1:20. God has written the Bible to all mankind. Anyone can understand the Word of God if they will come to Jesus Christ and receive God's gift of eternal life (John 1:12). Oh how Satan blinds the masses with deception. ANYTHING that is of the occult is Satanic. This includes all New Age teachings, yoga, astrology, Tarot reading, palm readings, psychics, Yin Yang, spiritualism, astral projection, hypnotism, good luck charms, etc. Mormonism is saturated with occult imagery and doctrines. Joseph Smith was an occult Freemason. Do not be deceived friend, Satan is the common denominator behind all false religions, all designed to blind the masses. Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4) and he works through occult organizations and false religions. It is no surprise that the founder of the Mormon false religion was an occult member of Freemasonry.

By the way, there is NO such thing as separation of church and state. To remove God from anything is an open invitation to Satan. Until we bring God back, Satan will continue to reign over America. Satan has infiltrated our schools, our churches, our government, and even our Bibles. The only defense is the Word of God, which I believe is the 1611 King James Bible. As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, Lance S. Owens is NOT a Christian and his writings clearly prove that Mormonism is connected with the occult. Any connection with the occult is of the Devil.

"Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft. Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists." -William J. Schnoebelen, The Dark Side of Freemasonry

Christian Music


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It is a strange but true fact that many Bible-believing churches that are strongly opposed to charismatic DOCTRINE AND PRACTICE are being influenced by charismatic MUSIC. In attending charismatic churches and conferences through the 33 years since I have been saved, in an effort to analyze this influential movement, I have observed that one of its key elements is rocky music. The charismatic world has given us “Christian” jazz, “Christian” rock, “Christian” rap, even “Christian” heavy-metal and goth.

The jazzy church music can be found almost everywhere today. Charisma magazine, February 1994, made the observation that “Today, praise music has entered the mainstream. Songs that were only sung in charismatic churches a few years ago are now heard throughout mainline and non-charismatic churches.”

This is an accurate observation. Since the early 1970s, many churches have traded in their traditional hymn books for praise songs accompanied by electric guitars and drums. Many others, though not bringing the actual rock band into the sanctuary, use accompaniment music that incorporates the rock rhythms. The accompaniment tapes, in fact, are commonly produced by the very ecumenical charismatic crowd of which fundamentalist and Baptist churches warn their people.

Billy Graham crusades, once noted for the heart-warming traditional Christian music of George Beverly Shea, now feature hard rock music and charismatic-style “praise” choruses. Consider the following description of the 1992 National Religious Broadcasters conference, the participants of which include a very wide representation of professing Christians: “The lyrics of much of the music were doctrinally flimsy. There was a soft rock version of Handel’s Messiah, and a Black NRB concert had the people standing, dancing in the aisles, and emitting high-pitched ecstatic gibberish” (Christian News, Feb. 10, 1992).

In his book Making Musical Choices, Richard Peck makes the following important point about the modern church music.

“Aside from its commercialism and its increasing resemblance to the world, contemporary Christian music is becoming a religious melting pot. Some in the community admit that they are not believers. And while this is still an exception, CCM IS PROUD OF ITS ECUMENICAL AND CHARISMATIC SPIRIT. THIS ECUMENISM EXTENDS OPEN ARMS TOWARD APOSTATE PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS AND THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH” (Making Musical Choices, Bob Jones University, 1986, p. 86).


Though jazzy music has begun permeating non-Pentecostal churches only in recent decades, it has been a part of the Pentecostal movement from its inception. Consider the following overview:

“Shortly after it began to emerge in 1901, Pentecostalism sensed through some strange form of intuition that success would come through emotionally-charged music. The first pattern was jazz. Speaking of the years 1901 to 1914, Howard Goss said, ‘Without it (jazz) the Pentecostal Movement could never have made the rapid inroads into the hearts of men and women as it did. Neither could we have experienced a constant victorious revival over the fifty years’ (The Winds of Change, p. 212). He also noted: ‘It was generally not the conventional church-hymn singing of that era. Entirely unpretentious, there appeared to be neither poetry nor musicianship in the composition. But, there was something far more effective than either. ... WE WERE THE FIRST, SO FAR AS I KNOW, TO INTRODUCE THIS ACCELERATED TEMPO INTO GOSPEL SINGING’ (Ibid. pp. 207,208).

“The Pentecostal leader should know for he was the most prominent among the early founders of the Movement. He was the leading organizer of a nation-wide gathering of Pentecostals held at Hot Springs, Arkansas in April, 1914. He was elected General Superintendent of the Pentecostal Church Incorporated and served as the General Superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church until 1951” (Wilson Ewin, The Pied Piper of the Pentecostal Movement, Wilson Ewin, 1986, pages 49-51).

The following is a description of an interracial convention of Pentecostals in Cleveland, Tennessee, in September 1929:

“The spirit moved some to dance, others to speak in the unknown tongue, to shout, to jerk, or to fall in a dead trance. Mourners in ever-increasing numbers fell on their knees, elbows in a folding chair, at the altar, while the exhorters clapped hands to the time of the music … After half an hour of this, the singing came to an end. Also the instrument strummers, worn out, dropped out one by one, leaving only the piano player and a tambourine whacker, whom I could not see, to carry on the STEADY AND ALMOST TERRIFYING RHYTHMIC NOISE. Terrifying because it impressed me as being the production of the wild, subconscious human animal, one which we seldom come upon in such frightfully self-regimented herds. But the extreme mesmeric orgies of such primitive groups have been often enough described. And after all, my purpose is simply to make clear HOW THE INDIGENOUS SONG MERGES INTO THE HYPNOTIC RHYTHMIZING USED IN THIS INDIGENOUS TYPE OF RELIGIOUS PRACTICE” (George Pullen Jackson, White Spirituals in the Southern Uplands).

Aimee Semple McPherson (1890-1944), founder of the Foursquare Pentecostal Churches, incorporated jazzy music into her elaborate, sensuous church programs. A contemporary made the following analysis of her success: “She threw out the dirges and threats of Hell, REPLACING THEM WITH JAZZ HYMNS and promises of Glory” (Morrow Mayo of The New Republic, quoted in Robert Bahr, Least of All Saints: The Story of Aimee Semple McPherson, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1979, p. 267).

Many of the early rock & roll musicians observed the connection between the music they heard in Pentecostal churches and rock music. Ronnie Dawson, one of the 1950s rockabilly stars, started playing electric guitar at an Assemblies of God church. Of rockabilly he says: “It’s very similar to the Assembly of God kind of church music, and things that I had taken part in in church” (Unknown Legends of Rock ‘n’ Roll, p. 15).

With the onset of the charismatic movement since the 1960s, which is basically the ecumenical branch of Pentecostalism, THE “JAZZED-UP HYMNS” HAVE GONE MAINSTREAM and have swept throughout much of the Christian world.


The following are just a few of the Pentecostal-Charismatic personalities behind the “jazzed-up hymns” that are being used in non-charismatic churches. The large majority of the Christian rock musicians are associated with the Pentecostal-Charismatic movement, and practically none of them are separated from it --

* JACK HAYFORD, author of the song “Majesty”" and many other very popular worship songs, is pastor of Church-on-the-Way Foursquare Church, the Pentecostal denominational which was founded by the female pastor Aimee Semple McPherson. Jack Hayford is the influential Pentecostal pastor of Church on the Way in Van Nuys, California, and the author of many popular books and contemporary praise songs, including “Majesty.”* Hayford belongs to the Four Square Pentecostal Church, a denomination founded by a woman, Aimee Semple McPherson, in direct disobedience to the Word of God. “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence” (1 Tim. 2:12). Christianity Today magazine calls Hayford “The Pentecostal Gold Standard” (Christianity Today, July 2005), but when his theology and practice is placed under the microscope we find that his position is not the untarnished gold of Scripture but the rust and corrosion of extra-biblical “revelation.” Speaking at St. Louis 2000, for example, Hayford told of how his daughter approached him one day with a concern about her “tongues speaking.” She was afraid that she was speaking mere gibberish, but he encouraged her that the believer must first learn to speak in baby tongues before he speaks in adult tongues. (I attended this conference with press credentials and heard Hayford say this.) There is absolutely no Bible support for such nonsense and it denies the Pentecostal’s claim that the Bible is his sole authority for faith and practice. Biblical tongues-speaking is not something that be learned; it is supernatural gift and there is not one example in the New Testament of someone learning how to speak in tongues. At the Promise Keepers Clergy Conference in 1996 Hayford urged the crowd of 40,000 to “dance in the Lord,” saying that he learned the dance in Africa and that later the Lord said to him, “May I have this dance?” An eyewitness called it “an African witch-doctor dance” (Bruce Caldwell, “Following in the Footsteps of the Apostate Presbyterians,” Christian News, March 11, 1996). Nowhere in the Bible do we find God dancing with His people. Further, the Bible plainly warns, “Learn not the way of the heathen” (Jer. 10:2). Hayford claims that he got his radical position on ecumenism directly from God. He says that in 1969, as he approached a large Catholic church in Southern California, God spoke to him and instructed him not to judge Roman Catholicism. He says he heard a message from God saying, “Why would I not be happy with a place where every morning the testimony of the blood of my Son is raised from the altar?” (“The Pentecostal Gold Standard,” Christianity Today, July 2005) Based upon this “personal revelation,” Hayford adopted a neutral approach to Catholicism, yet upon the authority of the Bible I know that the message that Hayford heard was demonic. The atonement of Jesus Christ is NOT glorified on Roman Catholic altars. The Mass is an open denial of the doctrine of the once-for-all atonement that we find in the book of Hebrews. Note what the Vatican II Council said about the Mass: “For in it Christ perpetuates in an unbloody manner the sacrifice offered on the cross, offering himself to the Father for the world’s salvation through the ministry of priests” (The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, “Instruction on the Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery,” Intro., C 1, 2, p. 108). This is only a small part of Rome’s wicked heresies, and it is impossible that God would encourage Jack Hayford to look upon the Roman Catholic Church in any sort of positive, non-judgmental manner. If Hayford based his theology about the Roman Catholic Church strictly upon the Bible, he would never fall for such delusion. Hayford has acted on this “personal revelation” by yoking up with Roman Catholic leaders in conferences throughout the world. For example, he joined hands with thousands of Roman Catholics, including hundreds of Catholic priests and nuns, at the North American Congress on the Holy Spirit & World Evangelization in St. Louis in 2000. Hayford also has a close relationship with heretic Robert Schuller. He spoke at Schuller’s Men’s Conference at the Crystal Cathedral in March 1995 and in January 2005 and endorsed Schuller’s 1996 autobiography, My Soul’s Adventure with God. In 1982 Schuller published Self-Esteem the New Reformation in which he twisted Bible theology to conform to his heretical humanistic psychology. According to Schuller, To Schuller, sin is “any act or thought that robs myself or another human being of his or her self-esteem” (Self-Esteem: The New Reformation, p. 14). Schuller’s christ is “self-esteem incarnate” (p. 135). His new birth is to be “changed from a negative to a positive self-image” (p. 68). His hell “is the loss of pride that naturally follows separation from God” (p. 14). To Schuller, the most destructive thing is to call men lost sinners and thereby injure their self-esteem (Christianity Today, Oct. 5, 1984). Schuller is a universalist who believes that all people are the children of God. (For more about Schuller see “Evangelicals and Robert Schuller” at ). The song “Majesty,” lovely though it is, promotes the unscriptural “kingdom now” philosophy, in which Christians are thought to be able to exercise kingdom authority over sickness and the devil in this present hour. This is what the words “kingdom authority” refer to in Hayford’s song.

* JOHN MICHAEL TALBOT is a charismatic Roman Catholic who prays to Mary and believes in tongues speaking, dreams, and other forms of extra-biblical revelation. In his book Simplicity, Talbot stated: “Personally, I have found praying the Rosary to be one of the most powerful tools I possess in obtaining simple, childlike meditation on the life of Jesus Christ.” The Rosary is largely a prayer to Mary as the Queen of Heaven. In 1996 Talbot produced an album jointly with fellow CCM performer Michael Card. Of this venture, Card testified: “Doing this project has enabled us to become real friends. And along the way, the denominational lines have become really meaningless to me, and to John, too” (CCM Magazine, July 1996). It is painfully obvious that doctrinal truth means nothing to these CCM performers.

* BILLY RAY HEARN is the Executive Director of the very influential Sparrow Corporation. His ecumenical spirit is evident in the following testimony: “John [Talbot] and I immediately developed a special bond--musically and spiritually. Even though he became a Franciscan Catholic and I was a Southern Baptist, we understood each other and loved each other in our differences” (from the cover to one of Talbot’s CDs).

* SHEILA WALSH is a member of a charismatic congregation and frequently “performs” in charismatic settings. Together with roughly 20,000 Roman Catholics, she participated in the North American Congress on the Holy Spirit & World Evangelization in New Orleans in 1987.

* TWILA PARIS, popular CCM singer, has been associated with the charismatic-oriented Youth With A Mission (YWAM) since 1976. In an interview with a YWAM leader in New Orleans in 1987, I was told that a large number of the short-term workers with YWAM are Roman Catholics.

* PAT BOONE is a member of Jack Hayford’s Foursquare Pentecostal Church. In 1996 Boone released an album of heavy-metal rock songs under the title “Pat Boone in a Metal Mood -- No More Mr. Nice Guy.” There were songs by openly demonic rock groups such as Alice Cooper, Guns N’ Roses, Ozzy Osbourne, and Judas Priest. On April 15, 1997, Boone’s pastor joined him on a Trinity Broadcasting Network broadcast with Paul Crouch and defended his heavy metal album.

* Popular CCM singer SANDI PATTI is a member of the Church of God, Anderson, Indiana. Though not Pentecostal herself, she moves freely in Charismatic and ecumenical circles. In 1987 she performed for Pope John Paul II prior to his mass in the Los Angeles Coliseum.

* CCM trumpeter PHIL DRISCOLL attends an independent charismatic church and continually appears at Charismatic-Pentecostal churches and forums. He trumpeted, for example, at Kenneth Copeland meetings and at the radically ecumenical Washington for Jesus rallies. He has also been featured at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University.

* DINO KARTSONAKIS, popularly known simply as DINO, was the piano player for the divorced Pentecostal healer-evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman and frequently appears on the Trinity Broadcasting Network program with Paul and Jan Crouch.

* CARMAN is extremely popular, even in fundamental Baptist circles, but he is a charismatic-ecumenist and his unscriptural Pentecostal theology permeates his music. In his song "Satan, Bite the Dust," Carman claims that he has "been sent with a warrant from the body of Christ" to arrest the devil and to run every unclean spirit out of town. He claims to have the authority to cast out "depression, strife, disease and fear." In this strange song Carman asserts, "Satan, you coward, you molester of souls, I command you to appear." The Apostle Peter, though, tells us that even the angels do not bring railing accusations against the devil (2 Peter 2:11). Nowhere in the New Testament Scriptures do we see the Apostles and early Christians speaking to the devil in this manner. Carman then says: "I represent a whole new breed of Christian of today. And I'm authorized and deputized to blow you clean away." This is a probable reference to the New Order of the Latter Rain theology which claims that Christ's return will be preceded by a miracle revival whereby Christians will perform miracles and exercise kingdom authority over the powers of this present world. Some of the "prophets" which were popularized by John Wimber and the Vineyard movement, men such as Paul Cain, claim that God is raising up a "new breed" of end time Christian who will take authority over the devil.

Carman's theology is not only wrong, it is nonsense. He has not blown away the devil. He has not bound the devil. He has not arrested the devil. He has no power to command sickness to depart. He can pray and ask God to remove sickness, and God answers according to His will, but he cannot demand that sickness be healed. No Christian can. When Timothy was sick with frequent infirmities, the Apostle Paul did not command those infirmities to depart. Paul did not curse those infirmities as demonic. He did not say, "I bind out, foul infirmity." No, he said: "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities" (1 Tim. 5:23). I will be glad to take any Charismatic preacher with me into a hospital and we will demonstrate right there which of us is doctrinally correct in this matter. If a Christian has the power to bind the devil and to cast out sicknesses, let's see it. Carman is confusing the minds of God's people and leading them away from the truth with his false doctrine.

In typical Charismatic style Carman rebukes the "demon of alcoholism" and the "spirit of infirmity," demanding that these "demons" depart. He proclaims, "We lay hands on the sick and they recover." In another song, "Our Turn Now," Carman exclaims: "World, you had your turn at bat / Now stand back and see / That it's our turn now / Some things gonna change / We're gonna bind the / Devil at every hand by / the power of Jesus' name." This is unadulterated Charismatic kingdom now, dominionism theology.

* The very popular DON FRANCISCO moves in the most radical charismatic circles. In November 1986, for example, he had a concert at Vineyard Christian Fellowship Southeast, Denver, Colorado. The Vineyard movement, founded by the late John Wimber, has promoted such unscriptural notions as continued prophecy, slaying in the spirit, miracle evangelism, and the laughing revival. Francisco's music is a mixture of "folk, rock and blues" music (from the cover to his Early Works album). He teaches the positive-only philosophy which is typical of the charismatic-ecumenical-new evangelical movements which are permeating Christianity in these apostate last hours. Consider his testimony: "I knew from my own experience that PAINTING A PICTURE, RATHER THAN POINTING A FINGER, was a much more effective way to get the Gospel into people's heads and hearts." It is strange that the Apostle Paul did not understand this. Consider his sermon to the unsaved pagans on Mars Hill. He preached against their idolatry and warned them of judgment to come (Acts 17). Sounds like "finger pointing" to me, not finger pointing in the sense of a holier-than-thou attitude, but finger pointing in the sense of proclaiming God's righteous judgment and calling men to repentance. Consider Paul's presentation of the Gospel in the book of Romans. It begins with God's holiness and His condemnation of man's sin. Only after this "finger pointing" is completed, does he get to the good news that Christ has made the atonement for sin. The love of God is not even mentioned until chapter five of Romans. The preachers in the early churches did not have the philosophy of modern Contemporary Christian Music. In fact, preachers only 50 years ago did not have this philosophy.

* CLAY CROSSE, one of the top 30 CCM artists of 1998, reveals his ecumenical philosophy in the song “Saving the World” --

“So many preachers / So many churches and denominations / Got their opinions and their documents / And statements and beliefs / and sometimes there’s a miscommunication / And we complicate the truth / And convolute the story / But as far as I recall / I do believe it all comes down to a man dying on a cross / Saving the world / Rising from the dead / Doing what he said he would do / Loving everyone.”

While it is true that the denominational divisions have complicated the truth and that there is miscommunication between professing Christians, Crosse leaves his listeners with the false and dangerous impression that doctrine and statements of faith are unimportant and unnecessary, that all that is important is the central fact of Christ’s death and resurrection. The words to this song reflect the ecumenical philosophy of organizations such as Promise Keepers and March for Jesus. We must put aside doctrinal disputes and have unity among all who “love Jesus.” This ecumenical philosophy lightly passes over the Bible’s warnings about false teachers. It ignores the Bible’s prophecies of worldwide apostasy. It fails to address Paul’s warning that there are false christs and false gospels.

* THE VINEYARD churches, founded by the late JOHN WIMBER, have had a wide influence with their praise music. Wimber himself, who was the manager of the secular group The Righteous Brothers before his conversion, wrote many popular songs, and many of the Vineyard churches are noted for their influential music groups. The Vintage Vineyard Music series is advertised as "Vineyard's all-time worship classics THAT CONTINUE TO BE SUNG CROSS-DENOMINATIONALLY IN CHURCHES AROUND THE WORLD." (As of 1990, 52 of the 53 songs in the Vineyard Songbook did not mention the cross of Jesus Christ.) Wimber conducted many "signs and wonders" conferences in various parts of the world, teaching the error that effective evangelism requires the working of miracles. Wimber spread great confusion through his allowance for extra-biblical revelation. Music groups from the Vineyard movement have performed at the influential Urbana youth conferences, sponsored by the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, since 1990. A Charisma magazine report on Urbana '90, noted that "delegates swayed and clapped to the beat" of the 11-piece Vineyard group. The music group had the young people raise their hands for "prayer for inner healing." (A Roman Catholic priest led one seminar at Urbana '90.) The Promise Keepers movement was founded by men involved in the Vineyard. PK founder Bill McCarthey is a member of a Vineyard church in Boulder, Colorado. The pastor of that church, James Ryle, and Randy Phillips, another member of his church, also are leaders in Promise Keepers. Ryle teaches that God is still raising up prophets in the churches and claims to receive many revelations from God through dreams and visions. In 1990 he claimed that he saw in a vision that the Beatles got their magically-popular music sound from an anointing by God, and that God eventually removed His anointing because they abused it. God allegedly implied to Ryle in the vision that He would place that same anointing upon musicians "in the church" in these last days.

Wimber frequently spoke on the same platform with Roman Catholic priests and apparently saw no serious problem with their doctrine. In 1986 Wimber joined Catholic priest Tom Forrest and Anglican Michael Harper at the European Festival of Faith, an ecumenical meeting in Birmingham, England. The Festival leaders and the 8,000 participants sent the Pope of Rome a message: "We are ready to join you in the united evangelism of Europe" (Australian Beacon, March 1988).

Wimber was a featured speaker at the North American Congress on the Holy Spirit & World Evangelization in Indianapolis, August 1990. In that forum he joined hands with roughly 12,000 Roman Catholics, including countless priests and nuns. A Catholic mass was held every morning of the convention. I was present at this conference with press credentials and heard Wimber speak.

In October 1991, the John Wimber conference in Sydney, Australia, featured Catholic priests Tom Forrest and Raniero Cantalamessa, as well as Catholic layman Kevin Ranaghan. At Indianapolis ’90, which I attended with press credentials, I heard Tom Forrest say that he praises God for purgatory. Cantalamessa is the papal preacher at the Vatican. Ranaghan claims that the Roman Catholic Church alone contains the fullness of God and truth and that the Pope is the infallible head of all churches. In spite of their blasphemous heresies, these men were featured by Wimber as Spirit-filled men of God.

In his church planting seminar Wimber said there is nothing scripturally wrong with the Catholic practice of seeking healing through relics: "In the Catholic church for over a 1,200 year period people were healed as a result of touching the relics of the saints. We Protestants have difficulty with that ... but we healers shouldn't, because there's nothing theologically out of line with that."

Wimber was not only open to Roman Catholic doctrine but actively encouraged the reunification of Protestants with the church of Rome. "During the Vineyard pastors' conference, he went so far as to ‘apologize’ to the Catholic church on behalf of all Protestants ... He stated that ‘the pope, who by the way is very responsive to the charismatic movement, and is himself a born-again evangelical, is preaching the Gospel as clear as anyone in the world today’" (John Wimber, Church Planting Seminar, audio tapes, 5 volumes, unedited, 1981, cited by Pastor John Goodwin).

DAVID RUIS is a popular song writer in the Vineyard movement. His song "Break Dividing Walls," calling for ecumenical unity, is widely used.

LINDELL COOLEY, the former music director at the Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida, calls his music Vineyard music.

The 1997 catalog from Vineyard Music features a "Winds of Worship" series which includes CDs from Toronto and Brownsville, focal points of the "Laughing Revival."

* The very popular and influential INTEGRITY MUSIC company (Integrity also owns HOSANNA MUSIC) rose out of the Charismatic movement and the music it spreads to 117 countries is of a Charismatic nature. Integrity recently recorded an album at the Brownsville Assembly of God. Don Moen is the “creative director” for Integrity. In an interview with the Pentecostal Evangel, a magazine published by the Assemblies of God, Moen described the power of the Laughing Revival music in these words: “Because something is imparted when you listen to this tape. I don’t want it to sound spooky or mysterious, but there’s something powerful about embracing the music of the revival. The fire of the revival can stir in you even as you listen to the songs that took place at the Brownsville revival” (“Don Moen Discusses Music at Brownsville Assembly,” Pentecostal Evangel, November 10, 1996). The “revival” to which he refers is not a biblical revival; it is a “revival” in which people become drunken and stagger about and fall down and are unable to perform the most basic functions of life. The pastor at Brownsville, John Kilpatrick, testified that took him a half hour just to put on his socks when he was “drunk” with the Brownsville revival spirit. He has lain on the church platform for as long as four hours, unable to get up. His wife has been unable to cook their food or clean the house. Whatever this “revival” is, it is not something that is Bible based. Yet Moen testifies that this spirit can be imparted through the music.

Integrity's Hosanna! Music worship tapes include songs by ROBERT GAY, who records music from alleged prophesies given by charismatic "prophets." Gay has written hundreds of choruses, and many of them have been professionally recorded. Integrity has produced twelve of Gay's prophetic songs. Gay claims that the Holy Spirit gives him visions for his songs. Gay is connected with Bill Hamon's Christian International network of supposed prophetic ministries, which promotes the deception that God is continuing to give revelation through prophets and apostles today. Hamon claims that God will soon raise up new apostles who will operate in the miracle-working power of the first-century apostles and who will unite the churches and denominations. He claims that the Laughing Revival and Promise Keepers are part of this restoration process (Hamon, Apostles, Prophets and the Coming Moves of God: God's End-Time Plans for His Church and Planet Earth, Santa Rosa Beach, CA: Christian International, 1997).

* Another church that is influential in the contemporary praise movement is HILLS CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTRE in Sydney, Australia. The worship leader is DARLENE ZSCHECH. The senior co-pastors are Brian Houston and his wife, Bobbie. Brian Houston’s book “You Need More Money” teaches the way to prosperity through giving and “kingdom living.” Houston says, “If you believe in Jesus, He will reward you here as well [as in Heaven]” (“The Lord's Profits,” Sydney Morning Herald, January 30, 2003). When asked by the Sydney Morning Herald reporter why the church is so successful, Brian Houston replied, “We are scratching people where they are itching.” That is right out of 2 Timothy 4:3, which is a warning of apostasy, of people who itch for a new kind of Christianity and of preachers will scratch this illicit itch. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.”

Zschech’s song “Shout to the Lord” is used widely in contemporary worship circles. The album by that title remained No. 1 on “praise and worship charts” for over 30 weeks and is still in the top 10. It won Song of the Year at the Dove Awards in 1998. It has been estimated that it is sung by 30 million Christians around the world.

Zschech is not only a “worship leader” herself, but she trains worship leaders. The annual Hillsongs Conference, for example, draws hundreds who sit under her teaching. In 2001, 600 attended.

One of Zschech’s themes is the importance of unity, which, of course, is the false ecumenical philosophy. For example, she makes the following comment about the album “You Shine” — “There is a new sound and a new song being proclaimed across the earth. It’s the sound of a unified church, coming together, in one voice to magnify our magnificent Lord” (from the album cover).

She gives no warning about the fact that vast numbers of churches are apostate and that the Bible says that unity apart from doctrinal agreement is wrong. The New Testament warns repeatedly that the end of the church age will be characterized by apostasy and spiritual confusion rather than faithfulness to the truth (i.e. Matt. 24:3-4, 11, 24; 1 Tim. 4:1-5; 2 Timothy 3:13; 4:3-4; 2 Pet. 2:1; Jude 3-4). That is precisely what we see when we look at Christianity today. Yet, the authors of most of the modern praise music give almost no warning about apostasy.

In an interview with Christian Leader magazine, March-April 2002, Zschech said she had a vision about the importance of unity:

Q. What do you envision for the future of the contemporary worship movement?

Zschech: You know, I had this vision a few years ago of how God saw the worshippers and worship leaders, linked arm and arm – the “musos,” the production personnel and everybody that is involved in the worship of God. There were no celebrities out in front. We were all together in the line just walking together. It was how I imagined God’s heart for what we are doing. We were all in line, and we were slow, but we were all walking around and we weren’t leaving anyone behind. We were taking everyone with us. But then I saw a picture of what it is like now, and although we were arm in arm, there was a struggle going on. People were running forward in pride while others were shrinking back out of insecurity. There was very little movement because of disunity. I think that means we’ve got to become strong people so that we can stand strong together. God says he will bless us, and when God says “blessing” it’s an out-of-control blessing, but that only comes when we are bound together.

This is a vision of her own heart, because it is contrary to the Scriptures. The New Testament nowhere says that God’s blessing is out of control or that it only comes when professing Christians are “bound together.” To the contrary, the Bible says God’s blessing is always under control, always orderly, never confused. “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints” (1 Cor. 14:33). “Let all things be done decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:39). Paul instructed Timothy to allow “no other doctrine” (1 Tim. 1:3). That is an extremely narrow approach to doctrinal purity, but it is the apostolic example that we are to follow until Christ returns.

This strict biblical attitude about doctrine is 180 degrees contrary to the philosophy of those who are creating the modern praise movement. They teach that the Holy Spirit cannot be “put in a box,” meaning we cannot be sure how He will act and that He can create disorder and confusion. They teach that doctrine is less important than unity. They teach that women can be leaders. These philosophies are in open and direct rebellion to the Word of God.

In 2003, Darlene Zschech participated in Harvest ’03 in Newcastle, NSW, north of Sydney, Australia. The ecumenical rock concert, which featured U.S.-based evangelist Greg Laurie of Harvest Ministries, brought together a hodge-podge of churches, including Presbyterian, Assemblies of God, Anglican, Seventh-day Adventist, Church of Christ, and Roman Catholic (“Hunter Harvest -- Rock Evangelism,” A participating Assemblies of God pastor stated, “The bridge building going between churches has been awesome.” In reality, it was spiritual confusion and open disobedience to the Holy Scriptures (i.e., Matt. 7:15; Rom. 16:17; 2 Cor. 6:14-18; 2 Tim. 2:16-17; 3:5; 4:3-4; etc.). The Word of God commands us to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 3), yet the aforementioned denominations each have dozens of heretical doctrines that are contrary to that faith, including the false gospels of baptismal regeneration and sacramentalism, both of which are under God’s curse in Galatians 1.

In a 2004 interview with Christianity Today, Darlene Zschech again expressed her radical ecumenical philosophy: “I’ve been in the Catholic Church, in the United Church, the Anglican Church, and in many other churches, and when worship is offered in truth, this sound emerges-regardless of the style. It’s the sound of the human heart connecting with its Maker” (quoted by Michael Herman, “Zschech, Please,”, June 4, 2004). She doesn’t explain how worship can be in truth in the context of denominations that teach grievous doctrinal error.

There is also the false Pentecostal latter rain theology in some of the Hillsong music.

“I believe the promise about the visions and the dreams/ That the Holy Spirit will be poured out/ And His power will be seen/ Well the time is now/ The place is here/ And His people have come in faith/ There’s a mighty sound/ And a touch of fire/ When we’ve gathered in one place” (“I Believe the Presence” from Shout to the Lord).


Many of the most popular “praise songs” today were composed by men and women involved with the Oneness Pentecostal movement, which denies the Trinity and which baptizes only in the name of Jesus. A recent article in Charisma magazine (June 1997) noted that “most popular praise anthems sung in charismatic and evangelical churches today were composed by Oneness believers.” The article gave these examples --

DOTTIE RAMBO, who was raised in a Oneness church, wrote “Behold the Lamb” and other songs.

JOEL HEMPHILL wrote “He’s Still Working on Me.”

LANNY WOLFE wrote “Greater Is He that Is in Me.”

Songwriter GERON DAVIS wrote “Holy Ground” and “In the Presence of Jehovah.”

The contemporary Christian recording group PHILLIPS, CRAIG AND DEAN is composed of three Oneness ministers.

The song “Mercy Seat,” which is sung nightly at the Brownsville Assembly of God “revival” in Pensacola, Florida, was written by United Pentecostal Church (a Oneness group) worship leader MARK CAROUTHERS.


We witnessed the worldliness associated with the charismatic movement when we attended New Orleans ‘87 with press credentials. The leaders of that massive conference (more than 40,000 in attendance) brought in secular jazz artist Pete Fountain to entertain the crowds. In introducing Fountain and his band, fresh from their performances on wicked Burbon Street, the chairman of the conference, Vincent Synan, had the crowd of charismatics “give Pete a hand.” Synan then had the crowd “give Jesus a hand.” What the holy Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible had to do with this worldly mess, we have yet to figure out. The formalities over, the band proceeded with its concert of secular jazz while the charismatic crowd danced in the streets. The fact is that Fountain was playing exactly the same type of music that the charismatic groups were performing throughout the conference.

We reject the philosophy which suggests that the music which stirs up lust and wickedness at a rock concert or in a bar room or a jazz hall can be sanctified for the Lord’s use. We believe worldly music produces worldliness, sensual music produces sensuality. Most Contemporary Christian Music does not produce holiness of life and separation from the world. In the 1980s, Pentecostal preacher David Wilkerson changed his position on jazzy music and began to lift his voice against Christian rock. In his book Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth in 1985 he said:

“One of the reasons God’s Spirit was lifted from the Jesus Movement of the last decade was their refusal to forsake their old music. They gave up pot, heroin, alcohol, promiscuous sex, and they even gave up perverted lifestyles. But they refused to give up their beloved rock ... Amazing! I say its hold is stronger than drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. It is the biggest mass addiction in the world’s history. ... rock music, as used and performed in Christian circles, is of the same satanic seed as that which is called punk, heavy metal, and is performed in devilish rock concerts worldwide.”

In 1991 Wilkerson gave the following warning: “About five years ago I became disheartened when many pastors opened up their churches to rock concerts. Teenagers went wild, dancing in the aisles, going straight out of church and into back seats of cars for sex. Parents wrote to me brokenhearted, saying, ‘My teenager was on fire for God. Then our pastor and youth pastor brought in these wild groups, and I lost my son. He is backslidden. He got an appetite for occult music right in our own church.’”

We use Wilkerson as an example here, not because we agree with him completely in theology, but because he himself is a long-time Pentecostal leader and yet he recognizes the danger of this type of music. We agree with this assessment and we would urge our readers to avoid the worldly Contemporary Christian Music which incorporates the same rhythms one can hear in a bar room. Worldly music will produce worldliness.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting” (Galatians 6:7-8).

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever” (1 John 2:15-17).


Further, we are convinced that music which is produced by ecumenists and which is used to promote charismatic experience and ecumenism, cannot be used to produce sound Biblical faith and practice. By the laws which God put into this world, Contemporary Christian Music will produce in kind. Like produces like. The Bible warns, “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners” (1 Corinthians 15:33). If we associate closely with those who are disobeying the Word of God, we will be infected with their disobedience. Be not deceived. The church which gravitates toward ecumenical charismatic music will be moved away from a strong Bible stand. There is a spiritual power behind the Contemporary Christian Music.

Though we do not agree with the aforementioned quote by Integrity music company creative director Don Moen in calling the Brownsville phenomenon a revival, we do agree with his assessment that the spirit of the Brownsville meetings is imparted somewhat through the beat music which is being used there. In our visits to various Charismatic churches and conferences for our reporting through the years, we have observed that the music is always the same. It is a fleshly combination of beat music and mood music; you can dance to it and romance to it. On a video that I have in my library, Brownsville Assembly of God music director Lindell Cooley noted that he could sing some of the “revival songs” to a wife or a girlfriend. It is a sensual music for people who are seeking experiences and who are living a sensuous type of Christian life.

We are not saying that simply listening to the Vineyard- or Toronto- or Brownsville-type music will knock people to the ground and cause them to start exhibiting Laughing Revival manifestations. We have heard of that happening, but it is more likely that people listening to this music will pick up the unscriptural philosophy behind it. The philosophy is one of non-judgmentalism, ecumenism, a carnal “love” divorced from righteousness and judgment.

It is the worldly people in fundamentalist Bible-believing churches who are drawn to the ecumenical-charismatic beat music, and it reinforces their carnality and draws them even further from their church’s biblical standards. Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) encourages carnality, and carnality draws folk to CCM.

In a perceptive article on the music at Brownsville, Pastor Joseph Chambers makes the following comments:

“The music minister at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida, Lindell Cooley, defined the music of the ‘revival’ as ‘honky music.’ That word is an excellent description of Beatle’s music, as well as Pensacola’s music. The dictionary defines ‘honky’ as an adjective, which means ‘cheap entertainment or jangly piano music’ (Chambers English Dictionary, W&R Chambers, Ltd., 1990, p. 683). Jangly music is dissonant, described as ‘not agreeing or harmonizing in sound, a combination of musical sounds that call for resolution or produces beats’ (Ibid., p. 412). This is clearly Beatles’ music and it is an excellent description of the music that has invaded the church. Instead of quieting the human spirit, as music was created to accomplish, it arouses the human spirit and guides the person into unfamiliar realms of the emotions. It is perfect for creating altered states or a hypnotic condition. It is clearly music designed to do the opposite of what our creator ordained.

“There are two main songs that appear to help drive the Pensacola impartations. The first is what appears to be the theme, The River Is Here. ... This song is New Age to the core. It is void of truth, treats God in a generic fashion, and suggests that God’s grace and glory flows from a river. Notice the term, ‘And all who touch it can be revived.’ Standing in the Brownsville church, I watched almost everyone dance, jump, jerk, shake, or swoon to this song. It captured the crowd, but it absolutely was not the Holy Spirit. After forty-five years of [experiencing and practicing] Biblical worship, it clearly showed no kin [to true worship].

“The other song is on the opposite side of the pendulum. The above song is hypnotic in a mood-altering fashion. The second song gets you read to be zapped. It is named We Will Ride, and is usually sung right before Evangelist Hill takes the services. ... I have no way of knowing the mind of the composer, but it certainly does not fit historic theology.

“Jesus is not riding a white horse, but is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will ride this horse after the Rapture and the Great Tribulation when He returns to fight the Battle of Armageddon. Revelation, chapter six, suggests a White Horse rider with a crown and a bow, but this is judgment against the wicked and is certainly not when the saints ride. Most Bible teachers call this rider the Antichrist or the going forth of righteousness and judgment.

“This appears to be in perfect accord with the theology of the Vineyard Church and their Joel’s Army of conquerors. It is called Dominion Theology and denies the traditional Rapture of the church. The words of these two songs are certainly confusing, but the spirit ... is even more dangerous. Why would we even consider this kind of music to sing to the Lord Jesus Christ? The truth is that we would not, because this music is not sung to Jesus Christ; it is sung to a new Jesus and by a totally different spirit.

“The transition from honoring the Lord Jesus with singing and praise to honoring a false Jesus takes place first in the soul. The worshipper is not conscious of this transition and may be absolutely sincere and honest. The best way to notice that this transition has begun is the new arrogance and unapproachableness of those passing through this paradigm. The word paradigm describes the New Age idea of transition between two world views. ... It’s easy to make the transition. Leave your theology at home. Don’t question the big name who is dispensing this power. Open up and drink. Do not ask questions, for questions and Biblical reasoning is a solid block against this change. Even a young Christian with little experience is a stalwart against this deception if they cling to the Word of God and refuse to be swooned by the crowd controllers. ...

“Dr. David A. Noebel said of the Beatles’ Music, ‘The hard fact is that in this present revolutionary era, heavy beat music has become the catalyst for the young radicals in their announced plans not only to destroy Western culture, but to dethrone God. And few can really deny that the Beatles have and are playing a strategic and crucial role in the spiritual and cultural demise of the West and in the proposed destruction of Christianity throughout the world’ (David A. Noebel, The Beatles, A Study in Drugs, Sex and Revolution, p. 8).

“The Beatles’ music has now finished duping the world and is now in the sanctuary” (Joseph Chambers, “Beatles’ Music at Pensacola,” The End Times, March-April 1997, p. 3).

Pastor Chambers is an old-line Pentecostal and we differ theologically, but we are thankful for his stand against the charismatic rock-mood music and we agree with his assessment of the music at Brownsville. Rock music cannot be sanctified for the Lord’s use because it is fleshly and does not minister to the spirit. I am not speaking merely of the words; I am speaking of the rhythms. Before I was saved in 1974 at age 23, I lived a very wicked lifestyle and my music was rock music. Rock music fits a wicked lifestyle. Rock music perfectly fits the bar, the dance hall, the night club, the pool hall, the house of prostitution. Rock music fits the tavern but it does not fit the Lord’s house. It was created by rebels who brazenly love those things which God’s Word says are evil. After I was saved I desired God to purify and use my life, and one of the first things He dealt with was my music. I knew that I had a choice: I could love the world or I could love the Lord. God’s Word tells me that I cannot serve two masters. I cannot say I love the Lord when I love those things which the Lord’s hates. “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” (James 4:4). It was a real struggle with the flesh to give up rock music, because I absolutely loved it and I had listened to it practically every waking moment for many years. I found that when I did turn my back on rock music and stop listening to it for personal pleasure, I learned to love wholesome music. It took a little time, but my perverted taste in music was transformed. Ever since then, I have had a holy hatred of rock music. I believe God did this in me. The Charismatic crowd loves experiences. Well, I have had some powerful experiences, and learning to hate rock music was one of them.

I realize the whole world has been taken over by rock music. I realize that it is impossible to get away from it entirely. It is everywhere, in the shops, in commercials, at every sporting event, you name it. To get entirely away from rock music one would have to go out of the world, as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 5:10. He told us that this is not God’s will. We are called to be IN the world to witness to the world, but not OF the world to be influenced by the world. It is like a boat. It is right for the boat to be in the water, but it is wrong for the water to be in the boat. While I cannot get entirely away from rock music as long as I remain in this wicked world, I do not have to willfully bring rock music into my life. I have often praised the Lord that one blessed day I will finally and completely be delivered from all rock music. You see, I don’t believe there is any rock music in Heaven. I do not believe the holy Lord of Glory likes rock music. I believe it is unclean, and no unclean thing will enter into God’s paradise (Rev. 21:27). Until that Day, I will endure whatever amount of rock music I am forced to hear along life’s way in this present evil world, and at the same time I will strive to keep rock music’s unholy influence out of my life, home, and church.

Someone might be saying, “You are impossibly old fashioned and out of date; the times are passing you by and you will soon be all alone and lacking all influence like an old fossil.” If that is the case, so be it. I don’t care if all of the professing Christians in the whole world decide that rock music is a proper medium for the service of God. (This won’t happen, praise the Lord.) I refuse to go along with this foolishness. Rock music is carnal at best and it cannot be sanctified for the Master’s use.


We do not believe God is the author of the charismatic movement, with its ecumenical goals, its false doctrine, and its strange unscriptural phenomenon. The Bible tells us He is not the author of confusion. We believe there are saved people within the movement, but the movement itself is unscriptural. We believe, in fact, that this is part of a movement prophesied in Scripture as the end-times apostasy which will result in a one-world harlot “church.” This is described in many New Testament passages (i.e., Matt. 24:3-4,11,24; 1 Timothy 4:1-4; 2 Timothy 3:1-13; 4:4-6; Jude 3-16; 1 John 2:18-19; 1 John 4:1; etc.), culminating in the description given in Revelation 17-18. That there are genuinely saved people in this movement is implied in Revelation 18:4, which says: “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” God calls His people out of the end-time apostasy.

We, therefore, reject the charismatic movement AND ITS MUSIC.

See also "Laughing Revival Music Imparts Spirit" at the End Times Apostasy Online Database --

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Zeena Schreck (Zeena Galatea La Vey ) - Daughter of Anton Szandor La Vey (Howard Stanton Levey)

Zeena Schreck

Zeena Schreck formally Zeena Galatea La Vey is a celebrity among organized Satanists, being the daughter of Anton La Vey and Diane Hegarty.

On November 19, 1964 Diane Hegarty gave birth to a daughter, Zeena Galatea, fathered by Anton and surnamed La Vey according to Anton’s wishes.

Anton Szandor La Vey Diane (Hegarty) La Vey

“_I_ was born a Satanist; my unfather was raised in the mundane world of humankind were he still remains. He unwittingly served as the agent of the true daemonic needed to sire me as a genuine magical child. I have never seen any evidence that he honestly believes in the force whom he has for so long exploited as a “good gimmick.” Nevertheless he did succeed in attracting the ideal sorceress needed for my conception. My mother, a natural magician as incarnation of Diana the Huntress, was the driving force of the most positive aspects of the Church of Satan. As you are aware, her design of many of the magical insignias of the Church, her organizational and administrative abilities, her uncredited contributions to the _Satanic Bible_ and _Rituals_, and her charisma are but some of the elements that proved her to be the backbone of what was once a vital entity. As duality is a necessary dynamic in any form of progress, it is mathematically easy to see that when one portion of the duality is repelled, the other collapse into passivity. I am the living essence of this particular duality maintained at its peak.” Expert from Zeena LaVey's letter to Michael Aquino offering a hand of recognition

Sorceress Diane (Hegarty) La Vey was born in 1942. Anton La Vey divorced his first wife and mother of his eldest child Karla Maritza born in 1952, Carole Lansing after falling in love with Diane in 1959. Diane was co-founder with Anton La Vey of the Church of Satan, and served as High Priestess for almost two decades. They lived as man and wife for well over two decades. Anton was proud of his intelligent beautiful wife, who appears uncredited in many of the filmed rituals of the Church. She was his ideal woman. Anton La Vey preferred intelligent woman. In July 1978 interview in Fling magazine, he discussed the best physical type: “Short, blond and cuddly”. Voluptuous. He said Jayne Mansfield’s baby doll face was great but her legs were to skinny. Marilyn Monroe’s body was much better, but “My wife, Diane, is ideal. A real hourglass.” These have become stock footage for anyone desiring a depiction of Satanism. Diane had administered the Church, typed, edited, and was the secret co-writer and helped Anton write his books, The Satanic Bible, The Satanic Rituals, The Compleat Witch (aka The Satanic Witch) and The Devil’s Notebook. Their daughter Zeena La Vey was in the media spotlight at the age of three and a half, at her Satanic baptism in 1967. The La Vey’s helped Zeena raise her son Stanton La Vey. In the mid 1980’s Diane and Anton had a bitter divorce. Anton La Vey was sued blind by an embittered wife (Diane Hegarty). She got sick the bitter coots abuses and sued for divorce driving the Church of Satan into bankruptcy. After leaving Anton La Vey in 1984, she resumed use of her birth name, Diane Hegarty, and went on to a career as a handwriting expert. Later in her life Diane was a mother to grandson Stanton, whom as a preschooler, then as an older child lived with her for many years.


In response to many requests for information concerning the magical degree structure of the Church, the Council of Nine has authorized the Cloven Hoof to publish the following description, which is necessarily of an abbreviated nature:

The Church incorporates of a total of five degrees, each which as both an official and a ceremonial title.

These degrees are a follows:

Degree Official Title Ceremonial Title

V Magister Satanas Magus

IV Magister Magnus Sorcerer (m) or Sorceress (f)

Magister Templi

Magister Cavemi

III Priest or Priestess of Mendes Wizard (m) or Enchantress (f)

II Brother/Sister of the Cauldron Warlock (m) or Witch (f)

I Active Member Apprentice

First Degree: This degree encompasses the general membership of the Church. Over 95% of the membership-at-large and the charted Grotto registrants hold this degree as evidence of their commitment to the philosophy of Satanism. Upon admission to active membership, all Satanists receive this degree, and it continues in force indefinitely unless (a) an individual voluntarily terminates his membership or (b) his membership is arbitrarily terminates by the Council of Nine. Recipients of the I are entitled to wear the Sigil of Baphomet in black against a red background, and their ceremonial robes are completely black.

Second Degree: This degree is awarded by the Council of Nine to those members who demonstrate their proficiency in the doctrine of the Church through successful completion of a special examination. The degree is awarded semi-annually [in February and August], and its constitutes official recognition of the recipient’s magical prowess by the Church. As II members are authorized to hold positions as Grotto Leaders and Regional Agents, a more extensive background investigation is also conducted prior to the award of degree. Recipients of the II are entitled to wear the Sigil of Baphomet in black against a white background, and their ceremonial robes are completely black.

The I and II constitute the lay membership of the Church of Satan. The III, IV, and V identify the official hierarchy of the Church – The Order of Trapezoid, which is also known as the Black Order of Mendes. Since the Black Order encompasses the officialdom of the Church, lay members cannot aspire to admission unless they desire the responsibilities and obligations of the Satanic clergy.

Third Degree: This degree is awarded by the Council of Nine to aspirants who successfully complete the requirements for the Satanic Priesthood. In addition to formal evaluation – such as a written examination and extensive seminarial mist possess a background of such character, integrity, ad magical ability that he or she can safely be entrusted with the executive authority of the Church. Consequently a meticulous background investigation will be conducted in each case. Among the secular criteria under evaluation will be the following:

· Job or professional stability.

· Social bearing.

· Relationship with spouse.

· Special abilities (languages, talents, etc., in which outstanding ability in at least one area should be present).

· Ability to maintain relationships) long-term prior to affiliation with Church – if none, reasons).

· Economic stability (assets/liabilities).

· Residential stability (homeowner – if not, reasons).

· Family reaction (likelihood of difficulties arising from antagonisms).

· Make, year, and condition of automobile.

· Living conditions (type of home, outsiders’ impressions, style of décor).

· Personal appearance (distinctive but socially dignified).

· Life-style (leisure pursuits, social haunts, dining preferences, etc,).

· Attitude and behaviour to non-human animals.

· Conversational ability (non – esoteric versatility a must).

Candidates for the Priesthood must have attained the II of the Church. Charted Grottos Leaders and Regional Agents may apply to the Council as a prerogative of their offices.

Other members may write to the Secretary of the Central Grotto for information concerning prerequisite actions in furtherance of the Satanic philosophy. After the Council has had the chance to observe the individuals performance in a semi – official capacity, a decision will be made.

Forth Degree: This degree is awarded only by the High Priest, and it constitutes recognition as a Master of the Realm. The three separate with the IV are used to indicate the official position of the Master within the Church of Satan’s administrative structure. Magister Cavemi, Magister Templi, and Magister Magnus correspond respectively to the administrative functions of bishop, archbishop, and cardinal. The Cloven Hoof is not authorized to release information concerning the qualifications for the IV. Recipients wear the Pentagram of Satan against a black background, and their ceremonial robes are black with blue trim.

Fith Degree: The Cloven Hoof is not authorized to realease information concerning the V. Recipients wear the Pentagram of Satan in silver metal without background, and their ceremonial robes are black with scarlet trim.

The High Priesthood of the Church of Satan, while not a degree in itself, will he held by either a Magister Magnus or Magister Satanas. The insignia of the office is a lighting bolt superimposed upon the insignia of degree.

Members of the Council of Nine are identified by a special medallion bearing the Seal of the Order of Trapezoid.

1) ACTIVE MEMBER; APPRENTICE: Her career as a Satanic Witch. She was three and a half years old. She was the first legal Satanic Baptism in 1967 one year after founding the Church of Satan on 1966.

2) SISTER OF THE CAULDRON; WITCH: Dedication to Anton’s two favourite daughter, Karla and Zeena in The Satanic Witch. Reprehensive – Defender and Official Church Spokesperson.

3) PRIESTESS OF MENDES; ENCHANTRESS: High Priestess of the Church of Satan and High Priestess of the Temple of Set and Hemet – neter tepi Seth (High Priestess of Seth) of The Storm; Vanguard of the International Sethian Movement.

4) OTHERS: co-director and Alpha Female of the Werewolf Coven, co-director of the Scholomance Element, co-sentinel of the Babylon Pylon, Mistress of thee Order of Leviathan

She had the most highly publicized and well known satanic baptism performed on her by her father when she was just three and a half years old in 1967.

Anton decided it was time to perform the world’s first public Satanic Baptism. People would be forced to see that Satanism is not drinking the blood of babies and sacrificing small animals. While many Christian organizations and other “concerned citizens” were outraged at the spectacle, there was little they could do. Today, La Vey probably would have been charged with Satanic child abuse – there were no such legal avenues for religious hysterics in 1967. While reporters were relatively fair to the Church of Satan in the late ‘60’s, La Vey saw a sharp decline in open – minded, objective reporting in he mid – ‘80’s. In 1984, he stated: “ If real Satanism were allowed the kind of television time that Christianity has now, the kind of drawing out and patience that interviewers give sport figures now, or the kind of courage that a baseball game gets, Christianity would be completely eliminated in a few short months. If people were allowed to see the complete, unbased truth, even for 60 minutes, it would be too dangerous. There would be no comparison. “ The date was set for May 23rd and photographers started showing up at 6 a.m., even though the baptism wouldn’t begin for another 15 hours. La Vey declared, “Rather than cleanse the child of ‘original sin’, as in the Christian baptism imposing unwarranted guilt’s, we will glorify her natural and intensify her lust for life.” Who better to be baptised in such a public ceremony than LaVey’s own daughter, Zeena? With her soft blonde hair and engaging smile, she captivated reporters with the image of such an angelic child being dedicated to the Devil. The entire ceremony was designed to delight the child, welcoming her into a world of indulgence with sights and smells that were pleasurable to her. The ritual chamber itself is painted black, with a ceiling of blood red. Amber bulbs burn dimly in the sconces on the walls giving the room an indistinct glow. A coffin stands unopened in the corner, forming a looming hexagon shape, upon which a large stuffed wolf glowers down on the black-hooded celebrants seated below. One of the Church members, survivalist Kurt Saxon, designed and made a special amulet for Zeena just for the occasion. It was a colourful Baphomet with an ice cream cone, lollypop, and other things a little girl would like included in the circle. Her mother Diane Hegarty and High Priestess of the Church dressed her in a bright red hooded robe that she made for her that morning and sat her on the edge of the altar while photographers from New York to Rome snapped away. Unlike the Christian method of dunking already frightened children into water to baptise them, Zeena sat cheerfully chewing on a stick of Trident fruit-flavoured gum through out the ritual, basking the attention she was receiving from admirers and the press. “Imperiously, I surveyed the sea of black-hooded celebrants. It took me a few years to realise that some of them may have been more fascinated with the naked woman sprawled on the altar (a thirty-year-old Priestess serving as the altar that night) than with me. The gothic strains of a Hammond organ echoed against the black and red walls.” An assistant Priestess moves about the altar now lighting black candles in preparation. Behind her on the wall is a large Sigil of Baphomet, the symbol of Satanism adapted from the design used by the knights templar in the 14th Century – an inverted pentagram containing a goat’s head, surrounded by five Hebrew letters, one of each point of the pentagram. The same symbol is on the necklaces of the assembled Devil worshippers. Below this lies a curvaceous redhead serving as the altar for tonight’s services. She has draped herself across the large stone mantle over the fireplace, her flesh gleaming in the dim light. She bends her knee modestly, allowing the hair from her head to fall over the edge of the mantle. She too wears the symbol of Baphomet, almost hidden between her naked breasts. Tonight she is the living altar of flesh, evoking lust and making the blood burn. She becomes the point of concentration for all in the room, the carnal focus of the will of the Satanists. Two men in black hoods stand ready at either side of the High Priest, with another hooded assistant manning the gong to the right of the altar. A woman with long blonde hair (Diane Hearty, mother of Zeena and High Priestess of the Church of Satan) flowing over her velvet robe stands near to the High Priest, holding a sheathed sword, point downward, in front of her. The organist also wears a black hood as he begins to play “the hymn to Satan,” a corruption of Bach’s “Jesu Menie Freude.” Two naked female acolytes’ stands reverently near the altar. While the organist quietly triumphal strains in the background, La Vey opens his cape wide before the nude altar, his hands held up in the Sign of the Horns: two fingers upward to affirm the duality of Nature with the three middle fingers folded down in denial of the Holy Trinity. It is time for the ritual to begin. All eyes focus on the High Priest. As the organist continues “The Hymn to Satan,” La Vey picks up a large brass bells, waves it over the altar to sanctify it, and slowly revolves counter clock-wise before his followers, his cape billowing around his feet as he turns. He rings the bell nine times – Satan’s number – to clear the air, the returns the bell to its place on the mantle. Anton then read aloud the Invocation to Satan. “In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsil In the name of Satan, the ruler of the earth, King of the world, We command the forces of Darkness to bestow their infernal power upon us! Open wide the gates of Hell and come from the great of abyss to greet us as your brother, sister and friend! Grant us the indulgences of which we speak! We have taken thy name as part of ourselves! We live as the beasts of the field, rejoicing in the fleshly life! We favour the just and curse the rotten! By all the Gods of the Pitt, We command that these things of which we speak come to pass! Come forth and answer to your names by manifesting our desires! OH HEAR THE NAMES; Abaddon Adramelech Ahpuch Ahriman Amon Apollyn Asmodeus Astaroth Azazel Baalberith Balaam Baphomet Bast Beelzebub Behemoth Beheri Bile Chemosh Cimeries Coyote Dagon Damballa Demogorgon Diabolus Dracula Emma-O Euronymos Grogo Haboryn Hecate Ishtar Kali Lilith Loki Mammon Maia Mantus Marduk Masema Melek Taus Mephistopheles Metztli Mictian Mid gard Milcom Moloch Naamah Nergal Nihasa Nija O-Yama Pan Pluto Proserpine Pwcca Rimmon Sabazios Sammael Samn Sedit Sekhmet Set Shaitan Shamad Shiva Supay T’an-mo Tchort Tezcatlipoca Thamz Thoth Tunrida Typhon Yaotzin Yen-lo-Wang.’

Then he started to recite the First Enochain Key

‘ I regin over thee, saith the Lord of the Earth, In power exalted above and below, in whose hands the sun is a glittering sword and the moon a though-thrusting fire, who measureth your garments in the midist of my vestures, and trusseth you up as the palms of my hands, and brighterned your vestments with infernal light. I made ye a law to govern the holy ones, and delivered a rod with wisdom supreme. You lifted a voice and swore you allegiance to Him that liveth triumphant whose beginning is not, nor end cannot be, which shineth as a flame in the midst of your palaces, and reigneth amoungst you as the balance of life! Move therefore, and appear1 Open the mysteries of your creation! Be friendly unto me, for I am the same!-the true worshipper of the highest and Ineffable king of Hell!’

Then he started the baptism.

“My father, the High Priest, raised his ceremonial sword in benediction. I felt a great sense of warmth and respect. How many people can honestly say they have this feeling at any point in their life? “I have something they don’t,” I thought proudly, in keeping with the indulgent philosophy of Satanism. Throughout my life I would replay the words intoned during my baptism.”

Anton recited an impressive invocation, later adapted for inclusion in The Satanic Rituals: “In the name of Satan, Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan, and all the demons named and nameless, walkers in the velvet darkness, harken to us, O dim and shadowy things, foggy veil of time and spaceless night. Draw near, attend us on this night of fledgling sovereignty. Welcome a new and worthy sister Zeena, creature of ecstatic, magic light. Join us in our welcome. With us say: Welcome to you, child of joy, sweet passion’s daughter, product of the dark and musk filled night, ecstasy’s delight. Welcome to you, small sorceress, most natural and true magician. Your tiny hands have the strength to pull the crumbling valts of splurious heavens down, and their shards Indulgence. You honestly entitles you to well-deserved dominion o’er a world filled with frightened, cowering women.’

His assistant hands a lighted black candle to Anton, who passes the flame four times under the child Zeena’s feet, saying;

‘In the name of Satan, we set your feet upon the left-hand path. Four times above the flame you pass, to kindle lust and passion in your heart, that the heat and brightness of Schanballah’s flame my warm you, that your feelings and emotions my burn and passionate to work your magic as you wish. Zeena, we call you, as your name gleams forth within the flame.’

Anton returned the candle to his assistant, to then presents Anton with a bell. Anton rings the bell softly about the child’s intoning:

‘In the name of Lucifer, we ring about you, brightening the air with the sound of tinkling wisdom. As your eyes receive enlightenment, so shall your ears perceive the truth, and separate life’s patterens, that your place with be found. We call your name into the night; O hear sweet Zeena’s magic name.’

Anton return’s the bell to his assistant, Anton is given the earth jar, he removes a small amount of earth and lightly rubs it against the child’s hands and feet (palms and soles), saying;

‘In the name of Balial, we place his mark upon you, to solemnize and etch in memory the dark, moist planet- the Pitt from whence you came-the jetting steam of manhood fertilizing Mother Earth. Thus was it always and to time’s end it will be. Zeena, we call you, that your power, too, may last unending, lways strong as Man and earth, for they are one with thee.’

Anton returning the earth jar, takes up the vessel of sea water and anoints the child’s hands and feet (palms and soles), saying;

‘In the name of Leviathan, and with the great salt sea, we dress your being in the substance of creation. May all the dwellers in the watery abyss smile upon you, Zeena, and swirl about you lovingly. May the oceans surge an anthem to your glory, O little spawn of briny heritage.’

Anton returns the vessel to his assistant, and taking up the sword, places it’s tip upon the child’s brow, saying:

‘By all the images set forth for a childhood’s fancy, by all the things that creep and shuffle through the faerie fane of night, by all the silken rustles on the wind and croakings in the dark, O frog and toads and rats and crows and cats and dogs and bats and whales and all you kth and kin of little ones like she who rests before you: bless her, sustain her, for she is of that which needs no perfection, for she, like all of you, is perfection in what she is, and the mind that dwells within this head is moved by your god, the Lord of IS, All-powerful Manifestation of Satan.’

Anton lift’s the sword, from the child’s forehead and as part of the same gesture, raises its tip up to the sign of the Baphomet, above and behind the child. The celebrats lift their right arms in the sign of the horns.

‘Hail, Zeena!” chants the high Priest. The congregation shouts in response: “Hail, Zeena!” “Hail, Satan!” chants the High Priest. “Hail Satan!” Their defiant cries ring out.’

Anton rings the bell of pollutionary, and then the words:

‘”so it is done!”

are spoken.

At the age of thirteen she fell pregnant and delivered her son, Stanton Zaharoff La Vey when she was fourteen in 1978.

Zeena, now twenty one years old is a exotic pale, tantalizingly curvaceous blonde, who has become a notorious spokesperson for Satanism in her own right had taken over much of the publicity responsibilities for her father’s Church of Satan, representing the organization on a number of national television ( “The First Family of Satanism” with Bob Larson and radio shows (usually with her boy friend, Nikolas Schreck) in 1985. From 1985 to 1990 she took over her mother’s role as High Priestess of the Church (after Diane divorced Anton in 1984). During her term as High Priestess she formed a romantic affiliation with Nikolas Schreck, a member of the Church for whom Anton had little respect. Nikolas belonged to the shock rock band Radio Werewolf, and was the founder in 1984, of an organization called the Werewolf Order, whose motto is “To Unleash the Beast in Man”. He also presented himself in Anton’s circle of friends as a filmmaker and writer. It was his ambition to be made a Priest of the Church, but Anon delayed his elevation.

From 1984 – 2002 e.v. the primary forum for the Schrecks’ teaching was largely restricted to the formal esoteric schools they have previously guided (The Werewolf Order, Scholomance, The Order of Sekhmet, The Disorder of Babalon, The War Element.)

Zeena now twenty four years old and Nikolas (whose real name is Barry Dublin) married in 1988; she became the co-director and Alpha Female of the Werewolf Order. Zeena, who along with husband Nikolas Schreck staged an event on 8/8/88 celebrating the slaughter of the victims of the Manson Family. The 8/8/88 celebration consisted of several Charles Manson movies, a Survival Research Labs films of a horse skeleton hooked up to various kinds of machinery that was interesting, a live performance by the industrial-dirge band NAN, and finally, a quasi-Fascist Satanic ritual involving Anton La Vey’s large-breasted blonde daughter Zeena reading aloud from her daddy’s book while Felina, Nikolas, and Mark and Pauline stood around in Gestapo uniforms.

Nikolas edited, directed, written and stared in a documentary called Charles Manson Super Star, with Zeena as a Special Guest Narrator. When she was twenty five years old she appeared live on a NBC Special: Devil Worship and Satanism with Geraldo Rivera, Broadcast October 25, 1989 and on Sally Jessy Raphael’s Halloween show, October 31, 1989. It’s interesting to follow the Orwellian revision of this book. The original version “The Compleat Witch” was dedicated “to Diane” (La Vey – wife and High Priestess). Many have commented to Anton’s sharp perception of women in the book. It’s not surprising when one knows much of it is no doubt based on Diane. She is the Compleat (Satanic) Witch who “entranced” Anton in 1959. She also had direct input by editing and helping to write the book. The next edition, “The Satanic Witch” dropped it but has a long introduction by daughter, Zeena, which includes a glowing depiction of her mother and father. In this book, witches are told how to sexually entrap men. Only a person who has submitted themselves to the control of sexual demons could write such filth. The Satanic Witch is nothing but a simple – minded text book on “how to be a whore.” Zeena also stated that Anton routinely beat and abused those of his female disciples with whom he had sex, forcing them into prostitution as part of his ‘Satanic Counselling’ and collecting there earnings.

Nikolas’s dissatisfaction over his progress in the Church of Satan may have prompted Zeena giving up the name La Vey and declared Anton her ‘UnFather’ around the time she distracted herself from the Church in 1990 and affiliated with the Temple of Set, founded by ex Church of Satan member Michael A Aquino in 1975, when she was twenty six years old. She had chosen this special day 30 April to renounce her father. “I officially and ritually ended by positions as Church of Satan representative-defender and daughter of Anton La Vey,” Zeena declared in a letter to Anton’s archenemy, Dr. Michael Aquino, offering a hand of recondition.

Nikolas and Zeena opened Hell House of Hollywood in 1993, Zeena was twenty nine. They planed to introduce museum dedicated to Hollywood’s dark history, called the “Walk of Flame” with narrator and famous Hammer Horror actor Christopher Lee.

Nikolas and Zeena joined the Temple of Set in 1995, when Zeena was thirty one Zeena became Mistress of the Order of Leviathan (One of the oldest initiatory Orders within the Temple of Set, the Order of Leviathan is dedicated to pursuing the Quest of uncovering personal immortality. The Order is custodian of research and magical application concerning ‘Remanifest’, the Aeon-enhancing Word Uttered by then-Magus James Lewis. This site includes some introductory essays and member profiles. And member of the Order of the Vampyre (This public statement from the prestigious Order of the Vampyre shatters many myths about its ongoing and application of the characteristics of the Vampyric Being. “We are not looking at the blood-sucking gore that has made Dracula and others like him the archetypical Vampires of legend. But we are looking at some of the allege powers of the creature, such as invisibility and manipulation."

Nikolas became the Kaula of the Order of the Black Tower. (The Order of the Black Tower is a vehicle for the ongoing creation of a LHP (Left-Hand Path) yoga tradition encompassing nine schools of Setian Black Yoga. This site includes that lengthy Order statement, links and a public e-mail discussion list. And Master of the Order of Leviathan..

On 29 October 1997 Anton Szandor La Vey (born Howard Stanton Levey) founder and High Priest of the Church of Satan dies. Zeena now thirty three years old publicly stated she was glad he was dead. She stated she had proven herself to be the most competent satanic witch since her father dies because she cursed him seven years earlier to a painful death.

On 02 February 1998 she and Nikolas wrote; Anton La Vey: Legend and Reality. Far from a loving tribute, it outlines all the lies and deceptions that caused her to hate her father with a blistering passion. She became Mistress of the Order of Leviathan (an order only open to members of the Temple of Set); she received the Grandiose titles of co-director of the Scholomance element, co-sentinel of the Babylon pylon and member of the Order of the Vampire. Zeena was thirty four years old

In 2002 Zeena now thirty eight years old, co-authored with Nikolas Schreck, Demons of the Flesh, the complete guide to Left Hand Path sex magic. It reveals left hand path practices of Sado-magical and trantric sexuality. For the time they were with the Temple of Set, Zeena was elected Hemet-neter tepi Seth (High Priestess of Seth) when she was thirty eight on 9 September 2002. Within six weeks of this event the Helsinki Conclave (September 2002) she resigned from the Temple of Set on 8 November 2002, which refused to support her ideas unilaterally, (she was the first High Priestess of the Temple of Set) and formed with her husband Nikolas, a schismatic group known as The Storm

And now a founding member and High Priestess of The Storm – Vanguard of the International Sethian Movement. Nikolas Schreck is one of the Storm’s Clergy.

As of 21/06/03 The Storm – Vanguard of the International Sethian Movement, facilitated through the spiritual guidance of it’s High Priestess Zeena Schreck, may now be accessed at its website: